Thursday, July 29, 2010


When it comes to fashion, Lady Jay Dee is an icon to reckon with. Her style is simple and sophisticated. This fashion-conscious diva attributes her beauty to good skin-care, a healthy diet and exercise!
Name: Judith Wambura a.k.a Lady Jay Dee
Star: Gemini
Occupation: Award Winning Music Artist

This week, Shear Advice features her sense of style and attention to beauty. She is all about natural beauty, and says she prefers simple but vibrant looks. Although she is blessed with long natural hair which is her main preference, JD occasionally wears wigs to change her look and confesses that they are a time saver!

She says that in order to have beautiful even toned skin, you need to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. But most importantly, laugh. Relax. Enjoy life.

However, make-up is what a real Diva needs, nothing more! Make-up works like magic. If you get it right, it can change your entire persona in seconds and people might mistake you for someone else. You could have long lashes with large eyes one night, then soft bronze cheeks the next morning. But do you know what the best part is? Choosing the right make-up can make you look like a million dollar lady, have flaw-less, even toned, clear complexion skin that nobody can ever believe it is not your natural look. My personal advice, take it as it comes!

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